
Meta box - Simple

<div class="mp c-meta-box">
<div class="u-grey-step-1">
<ul class="u-flow--2xs u-link-inside">
<strong>Event type:</strong>
<span>Webinar - Live</li>
<span><a href="/prototype/range/">Pharmaceutical</a>
<ul class="u-margin-top-2xs u-margin-left-2xs u-flow--2xs">
<li><a href="/prototype/range">Empyrean range</a></li>
<li><a href="/prototype/range">Zetasizer range</a></li>
<li><a href="/prototype/range">X-ray Diffraction (XRD)</a></li>
"date": null,
"linkLabel": null,
"link": "#",
"meta": [
"title": "Language",
"term": "English"
"title": "Event type",
"term": "Webinar - Live"
"title": "Industry",
"term": "<a href=\"/prototype/range/\">Pharmaceutical</a>"
"title": "Products",
"terms": [
"<a href=\"/prototype/range\">Empyrean range</a>",
"<a href=\"/prototype/range\">Zetasizer range</a>",
"<a href=\"/prototype/range\">X-ray Diffraction (XRD)</a>"


Name Type Description
date object dateOptions
linkLabel string Button label
link string
meta termGroup[]


Name Type Description
date date Datetime of the instance
time string String-based time
timezone string String-based timezone
duration string Providing this will make it a 'past event'


Name Type Description
title string
term string
terms string[]