
Publishing the system

This website

To push changes to the live version of this website, simply git push the master branch. Netlify will automatically rebuild the website with the latest code & design and redeploy it.

Details on editing and updating this website are available in Confluence (Malvern Panalytical employees only).


When you're ready to cut a new release to NPM, here are the steps you'll need to take:

  1. Ensure you're on the latest version of the master branch with no unstaged changes
  2. Go to package.json and bump the version number
    1. For major releases, push the first number (and reset the following numbers)
    2. For new features, push the next number
    3. For fixes, push the final number
  3. Commit this change and push it up
  4. Run npm publish

This will push the latest version up to NPM.