
Alert - With link

<div class="mp c-alert c-alert--info">
<p><a href="#">During the COVID-19 situation</a>, our sales team are still available to answer all your sales enquiries</p>
<svg role="img" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="mp c-icon c-icon--info">
<use xlink:href="/static/svg/sprite.svg#info"></use>
"content": "<p><a href=\"#\">During the COVID-19 situation</a>, our sales team are still available to answer all your sales enquiries</p>"


Name Type Description
content html HTML for the alert
type string "error", "success", "warning", "info"
icon string An icon from the icons system

CSS modifiers

Name Type Description
c-alert--[type] info, error, warning, success The 'type' of alert