

Version 1.0.0 Ready

Photography covers most of our needs for visual imagery, but there are times when photography isn't a good fit. For example when dealing with more abstract transactional concepts like "log in" or "verify your account". In these cases, we use illustration to add some vibrance to our designs.


Our illustration style is still a work-in-progress; currently it follows a few simple guidelines.

  • Vector
  • Isometric perspective
  • Simple details
  • Small characters (usually) around a large object
  • Limited color palette
  • White background


We have a library of pre-made characters which can be adapted for new designs, and an Adobe Illustrator color palette. Contact Will Wallace for access to both of these; I'll aim to make them available on this site in future.


An illustration of several small people sitting and standing around an oversized laptop

An illustration of several small people carrying an oversized envelope

An illustration of one person welcoming another through a doorway, with golden light on the other side

An illustration of people helping each other up a staircase

An illustration of a postal worker delivering a speech bubble to a mother and child

An illustration of a person stepping through an empty frame of an oversized web browser window

An illustration of several small people standing around an oversized janitor's warning sign